Sequence and Subject Parameters

sequence_parameters and subject_parameters have references to both the environment and observation to which they belong, in the envId and obsId properties respectively.

sequence_parameters are used when coding observations - the parameters property holds an array of objects like this:

  "_id": "ixHSzWYd4Xw6imnuY",
  "parameters": [
      "label": "Student Talk (Type)",
      "options": [
      "label": "Teacher Tone",
      "options": [
  "envId": "GjohXFCEcRwNoYdXa",
  "author": "admin",
  "submitted": "2020-07-27T05:06:03.548Z",
  "userId": "iuwRdkNChdqRxGFEh"

When the sequence is created, an associative array is used with keys for each of the "labels", each with a string value from the options in the "options" array. See the example sequence below.

  "_id": "Mq9kZnWLnWLPSpTsh",
  "info": {
    "parameters": {
      "Student Talk (Type)": "Factual/Recall",
      "Student Talk (Length)": "Brief Contribution",
      "Teacher Question (Type)": "Factual/Recall",
      "Teacher Wait Time": "Short",
      "Teacher Tone": "Neutral"

subject_parameters are similar, in that when subjects are created, the same kind of associative array is created. See below for an example subject_parameters array.

  "_id": "z6jZRLige3LPdHLbK",
  "parameters": [
      "label": "Gender",
      "options": [
      "label": "Popularity",
      "options": [
        "Very Popular",
  "envId": "GjohXFCEcRwNoYdXa",
  "author": "admin",
  "submitted": "2020-07-27T05:06:03.546Z",
  "userId": "iuwRdkNChdqRxGFEh"

And here's an example of the demographics array on a subject.

  "_id": "k4J8tgzr27jDSr6Fv",
  "info": {
    "demographics": {
      "Gender": "Boy",
      "SES": "Higher",
      "Race": "White",
      "Language Proficiency": "English Dominant",
      "Popularity": "Not-As-Popular"